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Jamon Gran Reserva Batallé 100% Duroc "Paleta" Shoulder Ham

Jamon Gran Reserva Batallé 100% Duroc "Paleta" Shoulder Ham


  • €22.77/kgItaly VAT included
4.3 (45 reviews)

Cured 10 months min.

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€22.77/kg VAT included
Reserva Batallé
100% Duroc
Compound feed and legumes
10 months minimum.
Ogíjares, Granada
Shoulder (front leg)
Hog cuts: shoulder
100% Duroc pork shoulder, sea salt, dextrose, preservatives (E-252 and E-250) and antioxidant (E-301). GLUTEN-FREE.
Storing & expiry date
It depends on the format. See "Presentation".
Reserva Batallé, S.L.
Reserva Batallé duroc shoulders
The shoulder has been produced in Ogíjares, a small town in the province of Granada lying at over 700 metres altitude, at the foot of the Sierra Nevada. The mountain climate -cold and dry in winter, warm in summer- is ideal for curing Serrano ham and cold meats (chorizo, salami) naturally.
Duroc is a breed of pig that is native to the United States and the result of a cross between the Red Jersey and Old Duroc breeds. It is a distant relative of the Iberian breed and is characterised by its red skin and large size. Its meat is noted for its succulence, its taste and in particular for the marbled streaks of fat that are stored between the muscle fibres. This marbled effect is much more visible than in Iberian hams, but that does not mean the product is fattier. The streaks in acorn-fed Iberian ham are less clearly defined and blend more into the meat.
Slices of marbled Duroc ham
Slices of marbled Duroc ham.
The hooves are usually black in colour, like the Iberian pata negra (black hoof), but there are also many individuals with gold -or ivory-coloured hooves (see picture).
Black and ivory-coloured pig hooves
The hooves may be black or ivory-coloured.
Nutrition facts
Each 100 grams of this ham contains the following, approximately: Calories (Energy): 331 Kcal / 1384 KJ, Protein: 27,39 g, Total carbohydrate: 6,87 g (Sugars: 6,8 g), Total Fat: 21,56 g (8,28 g Saturated fat), Salt: 4,89 g
Taste note
Aromatic Serrano-style ham with a pleasing taste, thanks to a long and natural air-dried-cured process. Meat: uniform colour with streaks of white, glossy marbling fat, characteristic of 100% Duroc pigs.
Sales statistics
On sale since August 30, 2013.
Nº 3 in sales of 14 paletillas for purchase at IberGour.
Nº 9 in repeat purchase : 12.0% of customers have re-ordered this product.

Hams and shoulders are not packed in individual cartons. We place all the items you purchase in the smallest possible number of cartons to save on shipping costs. If you prefer having them packed in a different way, email us at indicating how many hams/shoulders you want, where you want them shipped and how you want them packed. We will calculate the additional cost of shipping according to your indications.

We ship the whole shoulder wrapped in grease-free paper and an outside cloth wrapper, all encased in a plastic bag for maximum hygiene. When you receive it, take it out of the bag and remove all the wrapping. You can keep it hung by the string at room temperature for up to 6 months before starting it. Once cutting has started, consume it in 1-2 months.

The shoulder in its cloth casing
The shoulder in its cloth casing

We remove the rind and the bone, cutting it into as many parts as you wish, and vacuum wrap each piece separately. We leave only the edible fat (ready to slice and serve).

  • Keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Expires 6 months after delivery.
  • Once a piece is unwrapped it should be consumed within 2 weeks.
  • Bones are included for making broth and in cooking.
Vacuum boned shoulder ham, with bones
Vacuum boned shoulder ham, with bones

We slice your entire shoulder and wrap the slices in 100-gram vacuum packs, separating them with plastic strips for easier serving.

  • Keep in the refrigerator.
  • Expires 6 months after delivery.
  • Once a pack has been opened, consume it within 2-3 days.
  • Bones are included for making broth and cooking.

We can slice the shoulder by machine (+€26.94) or with a knife (+€57.72).

Sliced shoulder ham, with bones
Sliced shoulder ham, with bones
Average rating:
45 reviews
France, Agen
Épaule 100% Duroc100% Duroc Shoulder

J'ai commandé une épaule 100 % Duroc, comme l'année précédente. Elle est toujours d'excellente qualité. En raison d'un retard de livraison et d'une perte par le transporteur, une nouvelle commande a été effectuée rapidement. Le service reste toujours très professionnel. Parfait.

I ordered a 100% Duroc shoulder, as last year. It is still of excellent quality. Due to a delay in delivery and loss by the carrier, a new order was made quickly. The service remains always very professional. Perfect.

September 9, 2024
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in french
Toulouse - FRANCE
Paleta DurocPaleta Duroc

Très satisfait
- du mode de commande facile
- de la communication sur les produits, la livraison (excellent message - très drôle)
- de la livraison
Nous mangeons le jambon petit à petit. Pour l'instant nous le trouvons bon, peut être un peu sec mais nous en sommes encore sur les les parties extérieures.
Merci en tout cas

Very satisfied - with the easy ordering method - with the communication about the products, the delivery (excellent message - very funny) - with the delivery We eat the ham little by little. For the moment we find it good, perhaps a little dry but we are still on the exterior parts. Thank you in any case Kind regards Mathieu

December 3, 2023
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in french
Acqui Terme
ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzoexcellent value for money

ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo ; è un pò salato rispetto ad altri più rinomati e costosi, ma è un difetto accettabile al mio palato. Inoltre, comprato in'offerta senza pagare la disossatura è un vero affare.

excellent value for money ; it is a bit salty compared to other more famous and expensive ones, but it is an acceptable defect to my palate. Also, bought on offer without paying for boning is a bargain.

October 9, 2021
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian
valter barbero giolito
valter barbero giolito
cigliano (vc) italia
oltre alla bonta', la gentilezza, la professionalita', doti addition to goodness, kindness, professionalism, rare skills ...

non e' al prima volta che acquisto una spalla per festeggiare un'occasione speciale, ma questa e' stata unica e non solo dal punto di vista commerciale, ho vissuto un bel sogno dal momento della mail di conferma della spedizione al momento del taglio, risultato superlativo, grazie

it is not the first time that I buy a shoulder to celebrate a special occasion, but this was unique and not only from a commercial point of view, I lived a beautiful dream from the moment of the shipping confirmation email to the moment of cutting, superlative result, thanks

December 17, 2020
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian
Antonio Mestichelli
Antonio Mestichelli
Castel di lama
Ho acquistato semplicemente un prosciutto? No! Ho partecipato ad un sogno, ad un romanzoDid I just buy a ham? No! I participated in a dream, in a novel

Voglio farvi partecipi di un curioso fatto che dimostra quanto sia bella e pericolosa la parola. Bella se tende ad un fine edificante senza rinunciare all'eleganza o al meraviglioso. Pericolosa se dispiegata al solo scopo di imbonire o peggio cavarne un dispregevole utile. Quest'anno per natale mi sono ripromesso di acquistare una paleta duroc batalle': una Spalletta spagnola. Individuato un sito, a naso, attendibile, ho provveduto a fare l'acquisto. Dopo tre giorni mi arriva l' e mail sotto riportata.
Gentile cliente,
Questa mattina, dopo aver sterilizzato i propri guanti con raggi gamma ionizzanti, il nostro partner Antonio García ha raccolto il suo prosciutto e, davanti allo sguardo vigile di tre notai, lo ha posizionato su un cuscino con piume d'oca bianche islandesi, ipoallergenico al 100%.
Al ritmo della preghiera del nostro coro di lama tibetani, quindici dei nostri operatori più esperti hanno ispezionato il pezzo in modo da assicurarsi che fosse pronto per essere spedito.
In seguito, l'abate di Montserrat ha benedetto il suo prosciutto mentre lo avvolgevamo prima in un foglio di carta antisettica del miglior legno di bambù giapponese, e poi in una guaina di pelle di vigogna neonata, intessuta dai novizi del tempio di Coricancha, a Cuzco (Perù).
Mentiremmo se non ammettessimo che più di un singhiozzo ha rotto il silenzio sepolcrale che si è posato sulla scena, quando il nostro presidente e fondatore ha depositato il suo prosciutto all'interno della scatola di cartone di sequoia canadese nella quale verrà consegnato.
Dopodiché, tutti i dipendenti IberGour hanno festeggiato la felice occasione, e Antonio è stato pensionato in anticipo come riconoscimento del suo lavoro. L'entourage ha marciato in strada, tra canti e applausi, fino al quartier generale del nostro corriere dove, in presenza del sindaco e del municipio, abbiamo firmato il verbale e consegnato il pacco.
Tutti noi siamo poi stati testimoni del giuramento del corriere, che consegnerà il pacco entro i termini concordati. Per commemorare questo atto solenne, abbiamo acceso una torcia che il 2o corpo di genieri di montagna dell'esercito di Spagna depositerà domani, 21 novembre 2020, se il tempo lo permetterà, sulla cima del monte Aneto, il tetto dei Pirenei, perché la sua luce possa guidare il corriere nel proprio viaggio.
Siamo esausti, ma felici di ringraziarlo per il suo ordine e la sua fiducia. Speriamo che l'esperienza di acquisto su IberGour si sia rivelata piacevole. Certamente così è stato per noi, e speriamo di rivederlo in un futuro molto prossimo.
Distinti saluti,
Ufficio Attenzione al Cliente
P.S. In altre parole...
il tuo ordine è stato spedito.
In questa esilarante lettura ho avvertito subito l'antifona della derisione, della burla, della fregatura. Tuttavia un'attenta lettura mi ha rivelato quanto sia invece geniale chi ha concepito questo approccio alla vendita.
Ecco, io avevo comprato una Spalletta... Questi mi raccontano una storia, mi cedono un sogno, mi raccomandano una meravigliosa favola e se anche scoprissi poi che mi hanno raggirato, fregato, deriso... Me lo sono meritato se lo sono guadagnato.
Antonio Mestichelli

I want to share with you a curious fact that demonstrates how beautiful and dangerous the word is. Beautiful if it tends to an edifying purpose without sacrificing elegance or the marvelous. Dangerous if deployed for the sole purpose of encouraging or, worse, obtaining a despicable profit. This year for Christmas I promised myself to buy a paleta duroc batalle ': a Spanish Spalletta. Once I found a reliable site, by nose, I proceeded to make the purchase. After three days I get the email below. Dear customer, This morning, after sterilizing his gloves with ionizing gamma rays, our partner Antonio García collected his ham and, in front of the watchful gaze of three notaries, placed it on a pillow with white Icelandic goose feathers , 100% hypoallergenic. To the rhythm of our Tibetan lamas choir's prayer, fifteen of our most experienced operators inspected the piece to make sure it was ready to be shipped. Afterwards, the abbot of Montserrat blessed his ham as we wrapped it first in a sheet of antiseptic paper of the best Japanese bamboo wood, and then in a sheath of newborn vicuña skin, woven by novices from the Coricancha temple, to Cuzco (Peru). We would be lying if we didn't admit that more than one sob broke the sepulchral silence that settled on the scene, when our president and founder deposited his ham inside the Canadian redwood cardboard box in which it will be delivered. After that, all IberGour employees celebrated the happy occasion, and Antonio retired early in recognition of his work. The entourage marched on the street, amidst singing and applause, to the headquarters of our courier where, in the presence of the mayor and the town hall, we signed the report and delivered the package. All of us then witnessed the courier's oath, which will deliver the package within the agreed terms. To commemorate this solemn act, we have lit a torch that the 2nd Corps of Mountain Sappers of the Spanish Army will deposit tomorrow, November 21, 2020, if the weather permits, on the top of Mount Aneto, the roof of the Pyrenees, because its light can guide the courier on their journey. We are exhausted, but happy to thank him for his order and his trust. We hope you enjoyed your shopping experience at IberGour. It certainly has been for us, and we hope to see it again in the very near future. Yours sincerely, Office Customer Care PS In other words ... your order has been shipped. In this hilarious reading I immediately felt the antiphon of derision, of the joke, of the rip-off. However, a careful reading revealed to me how ingenious the person who conceived this approach to sales is. Here, I had bought a Spalletta ... They tell me a story, they give me a dream, they recommend a wonderful story to me and even if I find out later that they tricked me, cheated me, laughed at me ... I deserved it, I earned it . Antonio Mestichelli

December 7, 2020
Review translated by Google - Browse the original text in italian

Browse all 45 reviews

We ship to all countries in the European Union, United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Monaco.

Shipping speeds for Italy (peninsula) [choose a different destination]
Standard Shipping€15.69To be delivered between Thursday, October 24 and Monday, October 28 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it)*
Super Express shipping€102.14To be delivered between tomorrow Wednesday, October 23 and Thursday, October 24 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it)*

* These dates are valid if you do not request any handling. If you request any additional service (boning, slicing, etc.), add 2 working days.

You will choose your shipping speed later at checkout, after you fill in your delivery address.

¿Do you want it delivered on a different date?
Contact us after placing your order, and we will ship it on the date of your choice.

More information and shipping rates »

We guarantee that you will love your ham from start to end, or we will pick it up for free and give you a full refund
We guarantee that you will love your ham from start to end, or we will pick it up for free and give you a full refund
  • 6 months guarantee
  • No questions asked
  • No small print
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Jamon Gran Reserva Batallé 100% Duroc "Paleta" Shoulder Ham
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How to slice a spanish cured shoulder

The slicing of a ham with a knife is part of the genuine, quality Iberico ham tasting experience. It is a simple process too, with the right equipment. Nevertheless, certain safety measures should be observed.

  • Use a holder designed for this purpose, to keep the shoulder firmly in place.
  • When slicing, the hand not holding the knife should always be higher than the hand holding the knife.
  • Keep your body at a safe distance from the cutting area.
  • Slice slowly, without applying too much force.

See a complete step by step guide, with images.

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