Ham Carving Knife
Arcos Hermanos (Albacete, Spain) Ref. 145600
Stock: 72 knives.
The knife comes in a plastic-covered box (see photo).
Arcos Hermanos, S.A. has made high-quality cutlery for professional, table and kitchen use since 1875.
Arcos is located in Albacete (one of the world's leading cities in the cutlery sector) and exports to more than 60 countries on the five continents.
Half of the kitchen knives purchased in Spain alone are made by Arcos [laverdad.es, July 2006].
Arcos meets the ISO-9001 requirements and is certified by N.S.F., the N.S.F., Spanish food safety register, the Green Dot trademark and S.G.S. ICS Ibérica.
Ein hervorragendes Schinkenmesser mit einer sehr flexiblen Klinge, macht richtig Spaß damit dünne Scheiben zu schneiden, als Zugabe zum Schinken sensationell.
An excellent ham knife with a very flexible blade, it's really fun to cut thin slices with it, and a sensational addition to ham.
Ce couteau est l'accessoire indispensable pour une belle découpe du jambon. Il est bien affuté, léger, bonne prise en main.
This knife is the essential accessory for beautiful cutting of ham. It is well sharpened, light, good to grip.
Das Messer sieht toll aus, hat Gewicht und liegt sehr gut in der Hand. Es ist stabil und lässt sich mit seiner scharfen langen Klinge gut und exakt durch das Serrano Fleisch führen.
The knife looks great, has weight and feels very comfortable in the hand. It is stable and can be guided easily and precisely through the Serrano meat with its sharp, long blade.
Schnelle Lieferung, hervorragende Qualität, schneidet perfekt, da biegsam. Sehr empfehlenswert. Tolles Geschenk von dem Schinkenlieferanten, mitgedacht! Wir genießen den Schinken jetzt noch mehr, da wir ihn richtig schneiden können.
Fast delivery, excellent quality, cuts perfectly as it is flexible. Highly recommended. Great gift from the ham supplier, well thought out! We enjoy the ham even more now that we can slice it properly.
Franchement merci! ce couteau fais bien le travail de découpe, et si certaines tranches sont trop épaisses, ce n'est pas à la faute du couteau mais de son utilisateur!
Frankly thank you! this knife does the cutting job well, and if some slices are too thick, it's not the knife's fault but its user!
We ship to all countries in the European Union, United Kingdom, Isle of Man and Monaco.
Standard Shipping | €22.95 | To be delivered between Thursday, March 13 and Monday, March 17 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it) |
Super Express shipping | €72.45 | To be delivered between Monday, March 10 and Tuesday, March 11 (possibly before but we can’t guarantee it) |
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